We have various speeds of contact:
- You can email us directly at purls at jamespurl dot com.
- We currently have one mailing list, the "friends" list. Click here (not working!) to access the information page of that on our mail server.
- For some real-time chattin', you can find us on our home on IRC. We use Freenode, so plug irc.freenode.org into your favorite IRC client. Our channel is called "kansans" or "#kansans". James = ForsGump/Lt_Dan/Bubba_B and Alicia = lilangel. She should be Jennay, but it's her choice :) Currently, another regular is our friend, Kendric. He goes by "ak". You will regularly see Georgetta, a.k.a. JstGigi, a friend from my second stint in the Midwest (circa 1999). Another is Ken, known on the inside as DrakGuy, a (current) Texan I met and worked with in Wichita. It sometimes gets low-brow, sometimes low-rent, but always high fun! What does that mean!?! Join us and find out!
We have an IRC client built right into this website! If you have access click here. Otherwise, email me to get access.
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